The joint at the base of the spinal column is called the sacroiliac joint or SI. It connects the sacrum bone, which is the end of the spine, to the pelvic bone, which is the hip bone. The SI joint is extremely stable and strong, but dysfunction in it tends to happen particularly in young and middle-aged women.
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The most prominent symptom of SI joint dysfunction is pain radiating from the thighs to the buttock area. In some rare cases, it spreads to the sciatic nerve and causes foot ache too. Some other symptoms of SI joint pain are:
A doctor or therapist must be consulted to treat sacroiliac joint pain in women. Most often, the health practitioner will ask you to stop doing the activity that is causing the pain. In some cases, they will prescribe painkillers to treat it. In a more severe situation, a physiotherapist will set an exercise regime. The physical activity helps in:
The physiotherapy also works on removing any habit that leads to pain. For example, if the person walks with a limp, then it will be corrected, or if they tend to lean to one side, then that will be amended.
Besides physiotherapy, cold and heat treatments help to alleviate the ache. If the SI joint is highly inflamed, then cortisone injections may also be given. The last step is to fuse the sacroiliac joint through surgery.
Being the leading neuro rehablitation centre in Chennai, we lead from the front to treat and help individuals suffering from critical brain injuries, stroke, orthopaedic injuries, spine injuries, and other neurological disabilities. We aim to offer a life that brims with hope and happiness to our patients by offering individualistic care, attention, treatments and therapies.
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