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How To Gain More Energy After Stroke Or Brain Injury?

How To Gain More Energy After Stroke Or Brain Injury?

Recovering from a stroke or brain injury is a challenging task. Progress in recovery varies from case to case. The effect of brain-related diseases can be known after acute care is over and in most cases, the patient will require further care from a brain injury rehabilitation centre. When your brain is not functioning completely, it will require more energy to administer normal function. This energy requirement can be physically tiring for a patient recovering from a brain injury or stroke. In the process, the body requires additional energy to perform bodily functions, recover and repair.

The fact that your body is in a fight or flight state makes it even tougher. The nervous system takes a lot of energy and affects mitochondria, which is your energy factory. This will affect a person’s energy level even more. Stroke and brain injuries will decrease your gut function. It affects a person within an hour after the stroke. A lot of energy comes from the optimal function of the gut and damage to the gut wall will be a big issue. A patient who is trying to recover from brain damage tends to get more tired as the body tends to use up energy from all other systems for the purpose of recovery. Cells are vulnerable to any kind of damage or inflammation and it starts to malfunction.

Things You Can Do To Get Back To Normalcy

There are several things that happen after a brain injury that affects your body and the energy levels almost immediately. You need to avoid or follow a few things in order to have a quick recovery from the prevailing condition. Toxins of any kind will have a big impact on the efficiency of your cells in producing energy. The patient should avoid toxins of all kinds as it causes mitochondria to shut down energy production. There are several sources of toxins like food allergens, car exhaust, pesticides, herbicides, cookware, new furniture, processed wood, paint, deodorant, and more. During the recovery process, it is best to avoid these toxins. A few things you can take care of are given below:

  • Stop drinking alcohol and smoking
  • Eat organic food
  • Avoid living in a polluted place
  • Avoid cookware with high levels of lead, aluminium, copper, and Teflon.
  • Avoid using shampoos and cosmetics with harmful chemicals and paraben
  • Control and monitor your medication level

Medicines affect the functioning of your cell. So, you must see that you get the right kind and level of medication. The gut and brain have a close relationship and work together. There is a nerve that connects the gut and the brain and a lot of messaging happen between the two organs through chemicals and enzymes. The health of your gut will have a big impact on your brain, and the functioning of the brain. It also supports the immune system and reduces brain inflammation. Avoiding toxins will improve your gut function. Avoid any kind of refined food and increase fiber intake. The good gut bacteria use fiber to produce protective enzymes that can save your brain health.

Also Read: Living With Brain Injury During Pandemic

Changes In Lifestyle

Fiber content is more in vegetables and fruits. Bring in more variety in food especially vegetables. Not everybody is used to having vegetables as a part of the main meals. Slowly increase the quantity and variety. It will increase brain health and has a positive effect on inflammatory levels. Nutrition will have a great impact on improving the function of mitochondria and stimulates brain recovery. Omega 3 has natural DHA and EPA that is beneficial for brain function and repair. It also affects the functions of the blood-brain barrier. Include essential fats in your diets like coconut oil, olive oil, nuts, avocado, salmon, and grass-fed beef.

Stress is the biggest enemy of your bodily energy and its production. You need to manage and reduce stress from the very first day of the stroke. As you rehabilitate, involve yourself in your daily routine to reduce stress. Meditation and mindfulness can also reduce stress. Practice the process of hormesis, which is exposing yourself to short term low-level stressors. The stress can be exposed to cold or heat, short high-intensity exercises, and intermittent fasting. You must not overdo it or get your body used to the low-level stress. It is found to have a positive impact on energy production.

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