Physical Activity And The Importance Of It

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If there is one thing in the world that has more pros and rarely any cons, it is physical activity. Physical activity has always been an important topic of discussion. There is no age or gender barrier to physical activity. Any time is a good time to jump-start a physical fitness regimen. By definition, physical activity is ANY bodily movement that is beneficial for the body and mind. It can range from something as simple as walking your dog daily to real hard-core fitness routines like HIIT circuits, calisthenics, weight-training, etc.

Brain injury and physical activity

When physical activity can be highly beneficial for anyone, it can mean a whole world of a difference for someone with a traumatic brain injury. In fact, the lack of physical activity can prove to be disastrous.

Traumatic Brain Injury or TBI is an impact on the brain and its functions that can occur due to accidents, blunt force trauma, falls and collisions. TBI can be fatal. Those who survive despite all odds are left with severely crippled physical functions, diminished cognitive ability, and reduced functional capacity to carry out daily activities.

Brain injury rehabilitation centers

For such patients, long-term rehabilitation comes as a timely blessing. The need for expert care and guidance is imperative. Hamsa Spine and Brain Rehab Center in Chennai is the pioneer in providing perfect rehabilitation solutions for patients with TBI. The very goal of the expert team at Hamsa is to enable patients to gain physical strength and in turn, gain the confidence to lead better lives post-TBI.

The Significance of Physical Activity and Its Effects

The impediments and limitations

Before we launch into a detailed discussion about the benefits of physical activity, we have to discuss the elephant in the room: the barriers that limit a person from being physically active after TBI. Living with a traumatic brain injury is a challenge in itself. But putting oneself through the gruelling process of physical activity comes with a plethora of barriers.It is important to understand what they are. The physical impediments of a TBI patient are the most important limitations. They depend upon the severity and location of the injury on the brain and the general health condition of the patient.

  • Compromised sensory processing and communication
  • Post-concussion syndromes or PCS
  • Diminished mobility
  • Lack of muscle strength
  • Problems with memory and concentration
  • Weakness and exhaustion
  • Increase in physical pain
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    Societal and environmental limitations

The lack of awareness regarding the importance of physical activity for those with TBI is a significant crippling factor. Even with awareness, the environmental barriers in society are looming large.

  • Lack of support and awareness
  • Lack of expert guidance
  • Misinformation and misguidance about people with TBI
  • Underestimation of the physical abilities of those with TBI
  • Lack of counselors or physical trainers
  • Lack of or limited adaptive infrastructure and equipment like lifts,
  • ramps, illuminated pathways, etc.
  • Lack of enough opportunities for physical activity.
  • Lack of proper rehabilitation centers.

What Are the Benefits of Physical Activity for Individuals With TBI?

It has been proved beyond doubt that physical well-being is connected to mental well-being, increased longevity, stronger immunity, sharper cognitive functions, greater productivity, and societal acceptance.
It is wrong to assume that those with TBI cannot indulge in physical activity. Brain injury rehabilitation centers function with the aim to prove that this is a myth. In fact, the American College of Sports Medicine strongly recommends recovering patients with TBI to take up assisted exercises like walking, cycling, swimming, cardio and strength training.

Also Read: How to Communicate With an Individual With Aphasia?

Guidelines for physical activity for patients with TBI:

  • Physical activity for those with TBI must be well-planned and well-thought-out. The impact of the injury, muscular response, flexibility, endurance and limitations of pain are mandatory factors that must be taken into consideration.
  • Brain Injury rehabilitation centers, physiotherapists and doctors have a great role to play.
  • Educating the affected person and the family about the importance of physical activity is imperative.
  • A daily routine of 20 minutes of aerobic physical activity with low to moderate intensity is recommended for TBI individuals.
  • Encouragement, awareness and unflinching support are crucial for the patient with TBI.

Cardio Training

Strength Training

Balance Training

Flexibility Training

  • Walking, jogging, running, cycling or swimming can be done thrice a week.
  • Cardio exercises help to keep the heart strong with additional benefits like stable blood pressure, stable blood glucose levels, reduction of inflammation, etc.
  • Cardio exercises effectively reduce the risk of heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and stroke.
  • It helps in building physical endurance.
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    Strength training involves lifting weights to build resistance.
  • Regular strength training results in stronger bones, better posture, and balance, aids in weight loss, and reduces stress in the joints.
  • Two sessions per week of strength training that involves resistance bands, weights, and resistance training machines.
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    Balance training exercises are extremely important for individuals with TBI who have lost their control of balance, posture, and stability.
  • Balance training imparts the ability to stand on one foot, walking heel to toe, and other activities like Tai Chi and Yoga.
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    Flexibility training is imperative to reduce the soreness of joints and tips.
  • Flexibility training is important to avoid injuries to the tendons and muscles.
  • Yoga, Tai Chi and Stretching help to improve muscle length and thereby improve range of motion.
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    Benefits of exercises for a person with traumatic brain injury

Every single individual stands to benefit from physical activity regardless of whether they have TBI or not. But for those with TBI, it makes a world of a difference.

  • It instills self-confidence, self-assurance and makes them self-dependent.
  • It gives them a new lease of life and increases their social participation.
  • Being physically fit automatically makes them mentally fit.
  • They develop a positive attitude towards life.
  • Depression, amnesia, and insomnia are cured to a certain extent.
  • Physical activity improves their speed and functional ability.
  • Reduces the risk of developing further complications.

Brain Injury Rehabilitation Center in Chennai

 Hamsa Spine and Brain Rehab Centre in Chennai is one of a kind institute that is dedicated to restoring hope in those with traumatic brain injury by providing world-class therapy and rehabilitation facilities. Governed and guided by a team of well-known doctors, Hamsa is located in the heart of the city. Its dedicated team of physiotherapists is well-versed in their work and service in providing rehabilitation to individuals recovering from TBI.

Come to Hamsa to have your faith, hope and strength restored. For more details, check out our website or give us a call.

"Take a breath now. You can refix yourself. A structured Physiotherapy Assessment and Tailored Exercise program will help you overcome this."

Start observing your problems and get them corrected by your Physiotherapist.

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Hamsa Brain and Spine Rehab in Chennai offer comprehensive rehabilitation for various neurological conditions. We offer both in-patient and out-patient rehabilitation. To know more, please call us today!

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