Accidents Never Come Announced!

When 35-year-old Rajesh met with a bike accident and became paraplegic, his life came to a standstill. He lost his job as a marketing executive. He was the only breadwinner of his family and had old parents, a small child and a wife to support. Now he was bedridden, physically injured, emotionally traumatized and had no idea how he would lead his life. This is only one such story of a person with Spinal Cord Injury. Road accidents, falling from heights and workplace accidents are the most common causes behind spine and head injuries in India. Around 80% of these accidents happen to the low-income group people, of which 90% are men in the age group of 18-40 and usually the main breadwinners of the family.


Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) is a life-altering experience not only for the person but for everyone around them. There are many people with such a condition, and not many know what to do in such a situation.

Life Can Throw Unpleasant Surprises!

Another case is that of 65-year-old Lakshmi who was shopping in a supermarket when suddenly she felt that the right side of her body was becoming numb. Out of the blue, she was unable to talk and had a severe headache. She was rushed to a nearby hospital and a brain scan showed that she had a massive stroke to the left side of her brain with a blood clot. She had to undergo immediate surgery and had to be admitted to the ICU for around 3 weeks. She had a previous history of diabetes and hypertension with a sedentary lifestyle. She was running her own boutique shop with 2 kids studying in a college in the city and was awaiting a bright future. She had to be in the hospital with a tracheostomy for 2 months, leaving her with a big bill and a huge loan. Her family was shattered and left directionless. Their only solace, their mother, was not even fully conscious, was unable to talk or take care of herself and was completely bedridden.


Stroke is the 3rd commonest cause of death in India and we have been named as the World Capital of Diabetes, Hypertension and Heart attack. 55% of those with a stroke are left with severe disabilities.

Also Read: Rehabilitation – The Frontline Warrior To Fight Covid 19

Rehabilitation – The Ray Of Hope!

The injury that happened to Rajesh and stroke that left Lakshmi’s life directionless is something we hear on an everyday basis happening to people around us. Unexpected incidents like this leave the patients deprived of their personal space, independence, individuality, and even takes a toll on their personal relationships. It further drains out the entire families’ resources and pushes them into deep dungeons of poverty, isolation, divorce, depression, and suicide. It can lead to loss of their child’s education, loss of their own job and self-neglect. Patients with such traumatic injuries, disabilities or diseases that affect the spine or brain, will need rehabilitation to bring them back to life and to empower them to live life the way they want it to be. It is the process of restoring a person’s life and helping them achieve functional independence through various therapies and treatments.

Hamsa – The Beacon Of Hope!

“HAMSA” the term that carries the mythological meaning- good luck, health, positivity, healing, and protection, is the first doctor-led, dedicated, and holistic rehabilitation centre in Chennai. It aims to provide quality rehab facilities for patients with spinal and neurological disorders or injuries. It not only provides support to patients who are suffering from spinal cord injury, brain injury, stroke, back and neck pain, cerebral palsy and severe neurological disorders but also supports their caretakers. Our aim is to put the affected person back into the community as a productive citizen.
HAMSA was officially inaugurated on 29th October 2019 by Mr. Ramakrishnan, who is a quadriplegic himself, and also the founder of Amar Seva Sangam, a disability services & support organization from Aygudi. The chief guests were all senior and renowned Neurologists and Neurosurgeons from Chennai who deal with patients with severe spine and brain disabilities.

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HAMSA is equipped with twenty inpatient beds and provides inpatient, outpatient, and daycare services. According to Dr. Balamurali, Managing Director, HAMSA, “Chennai metropolitan area is the fastest growing and 4th densely populated city in India with a population of 9.8 million. Chennai, even though it is regarded as the healthcare capital of India, lacks a comprehensive rehabilitation centre for spinal injury and neurological disorders. With the growing population of Chennai and the increasing demand for rehabilitation units across all specialties including brain, spine, orthopedics, pediatrics, elderly and post-operative care, HAMSA will now be the beginning of a new paradigm in the healthcare vertical. We aim to provide a scientific and evidence-based practice at an affordable cost to everyone.”
Rehabilitation focuses on:

  • Re-learning of daily activities for self-care and independence
  • Learning vocational skills to earn a living and for inclusion into the community
  • Learning how to prevent complications from disability for the rest of life

HAMSA provides all the necessary medical care and services under one roof, with a team of experts. It includes Physical and Medical rehab, Neuro and Spine Surgeon, Urologist, Psychiatrist, Plastic surgeon, Anesthetist, Pain specialist and therapists including Physiotherapist, Occupational therapist, Nurses, Psychologist, Speech therapist, Cognitive treatment specialist, Social worker, Orthotist, Vocational Trainer, Peer counselor, and Alternative medicine specialist. Kauvery Hospital with its 20 years of expertise in health care is a strategic partner in this venture. All the supportive quality care will be provided from Chennai Kauvery Hospital.

HAMSA Spine and Brain Rehab is located at 18 Besant Road, (Shivaji Films Road), Off Avaai Shanmugam Salai, Royapettah, Chennai 600014. You can visit our website: or call us at +91 9555404040 for further details.