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Insights On Rehabilitation Therapies At Hamsa Rehab, Chennai

The A To Z Of Sciatica: All You Need To Know

by HAMSA Rehab
February 18, 2020
Lumbar Radiculopathy, or as it is the most commonly known sciatica, is a prevalent ailment. It happens when the nerve that starts from the lower back and extends down the buttocks till your leg is pinched.The pinching causes a severe pain which you can experience as a pain that radiates down the leg to your toes.

Pain From The Thighs To Lower Back? We’ll Help!

by HAMSA Rehab
February 13, 2020
The joint at the base of the spinal column is called the sacroiliac joint or SI. It connects the sacrum bone, which is the end of the spine, to the pelvic bone, which is the hip bone.

Two-Wheelers And Pain: The Common Ailment In India

by HAMSA Rehab
February 10, 2020
It is no surprise that two-wheelers are common in India, given the population. The jam-packed roads of a metropolitan city like Chennai call for a vehicle that is easy to manoeuvre and has fuel efficiency. Bikes and Scooters fit the bill perfectly.

Beat The Myths & Tackle Your Back & Pain

by HAMSA Rehab
February 3, 2020
Back and neck problems are the second most common cause of hospital visits worldwide after the common cold. It is estimated that 8 out of 10 people will suffer from an episode of back or neck pain after the age of 50.
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